A center and non-profit program for preparing qualified Lebanese engineers to match the requirements of the German engineering job market, and for helping them start a new career in Germany. A joint program of GADC, RWTH Aachen University and the Sprachenakademie in Aachen in coordination with the German Embassy in Beirut, the Chamber of Engineers in the State of Baden-Württemberg and the Oder of Engineers and Architects in Beirut, Lebanon.
Remark: This program does not guarantee a job, it increases the chances in finding a job through the many components it offers to the participants.
Legal: German Academic Development Center S.A.R.L., a company for coordinating qualification and further education, organized and exists under the laws of Lebanon, which is duly registered at the commercial register in Beirut, Lebanon.
Applicants must have minimum a 5-year academic degree which is equivalent to Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) or Master of Science (M.Sc.) degrees. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degrees that are 3 academic years do not qualify for the program. This is a must so the degree can also be recognized in Germany.

The Way
Application Process
- Apply online
- You will be contacted within 1 month to be informed about the procedures and important dates.
- Go through the selection process:
Selection Procedure
The Program
- Phase I: Beirut / Lebanon
- 4 months of German language courses by certified teachers at the Order of Engineers (in the evenings so there would be no conflict with your jobs)
- Phase II: Aachen / Germany
- 6 months
- 1st – 4th month: German language courses in Aachen
- 1st – 4th month: Specialized and cultural workshops done by the RWTH Aachen University and specialized staff.
- 1st – 6th month: Career-coaching, personal advising, support
- 6 months
For more details about dates, events, content, check the Facebook Page.
The Team

Steering and Selection Committee

Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.